Core Values
Integrity. Kindness. Service. Structure. Perseverance. Success
At Westlawn Middle School, we embody our six (6) core values and they are always at the center of everything that we do. We believe that through integrity and kindness that we can provide unwavering service inside or our school and it will translate to servicing our community. We believe that through structure and perseverance that success will be yielded. Overall, we are instilling these core values into each and every student to ensure that they have the necessary tools to become successful members of society.
WMS is a State and National School of Character!
Each year, certifies schools and districts at the state level that demonstrate a dedicated focus on character development which has a positive effect on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate. In 2022, Westlawn earned the distinctions of Alabama State School of Character and National School of Character. These elite distinctions shows how we have put into place a comprehensive initiative that equips and empowers our staff to reinforce and model a range of positive core values that will shape and form the hearts, minds, and choices of our students.
The 2022 School of Character Team included the following:
Front Row (from L to R): Mrs. Gloria Lamon, Phifer, Inc.; Dr. Darlene F. Atkins, Principal; Miss Keiosha Quarles, Team Lead; Karson Tucker, Student
Back Row (from L to R): Mr. Curtis Gosa, Teacher; Ms. LaTiasha Burton, Parent; Ms. Twana Ivory, Assistant Principal; Ms. Fayetta Little; Mrs. Romekia Johnson Jones, Counselor; Mr. Alphus Shipman
Not Pictured: Mrs. Shunetta Kirkman, Teacher; Mrs. Madge Moore, Phifer, Inc.; and Mrs. Amber Emerson, Teacher