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Car Rider Safety Information

Car Rider drop-off begins at 7:35 AM.
WMS Doors open at 7:40 AM.

At Westlawn Middle School, the safety of our school community is a top priority. We are committed to the safety of all of our faculty, staff, and students. To ensure that our students, faculty, and staff have a safe car rider drop-off and pick-up lanes, parents should:

  • Enter and exit the car-lane slowly, at 5 MPH.
  • Drop off and pick up their student(s) along the sidewalk. Students must use the crosswalk to enter the second lane
  • Keep their eyes on the road at all times. Cell phone use is prohibited while in the car rider line!
  • Proceed around the loop to enter the line. U-Turns are prohibited!
  • Refrain from playing loud music and horn honking. We are a quiet zone during school hours.
  • Refrain from smoking! We are a smoke-free school zone!
  • Refrain from picking up and dropping off students in locations other than the car rider line. Dragon Lane is closed.


Car Rider Loop Safety Information